Snowflakes Unite!

2020. It is a challenging world that we live in. My mantra of “My life is in order and I am in Flow” is harder to grasp and hold onto each day – as each day now holds so many important unknowns. Life has been turned on its head and reaching any sense of order or equilibrium or flow is difficult to maintain as emotions are running high. Just the other day I was called a “Snowflake”. I researched the definition and learned it is meant as “a political insult for someone who is too sensitive, often used for millennials and liberals.”

Is there a possibility, in this day and age, that anyone could be too sensitive?
Compassion is defined as a feeling of deep sympathy for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. In this sense, I am a “snowflake” as I see misfortune and sufferings and I do have a strong desire to be part of the solutions that are within our abilities to manifest. In this way, I do not see the term as an insult but rather I am a “snowflake” as a result of the continued affront on my long-held truths, beliefs and basic morals that include decency, honesty, truth, respect for others and justice.
As an intelligent empathic being, I am not surprised anymore these days to find myself totally, completely and unequivocally at odds with anyone who stubbornly defends their own lens of truth, without pausing to feel and think and research why we are at this point in our country’s evolution. How will we ever solve the issues facing us if we are divided? Where has compassion for others gone?

Life is not in order – turning your head, backs or diverting your eyes and attention will clearly exacerbate the decline into more disorder and disruption. Raise your eyes, your hands, your hearts, your voices – morality and decency, truth and justice and respect for others is what makes us human, isn’t it?
It is time for every single one of us to feel, observe, research, test and think about the consequences of our actions or inaction.

I have a new Mantra today: “Snowflakes” unite!