Leaning in to Letting Go – The freedom to finally living YOUR PURPOSE

Everything has changed. Everything is changing. Motion, movements, protests and taking a stand are no longer optional. Purposefully, we choose every day to be where we are, to see the world as we do. The weight of accountability and owning every single feeling without distraction or overreaction is quite a feat. Leaning in, that is leaning in to letting go, is the call that I encourage you to answer today. Everything has changed and continues to change. It is only in leaning in and letting go that you will find equilibrium and relief.

Leaning in is a term that brought much debate after the 2013 release of Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean in. It is not her concept that I am referring to today, but rather the traditional meaning of “Leaning in” – typically used in sports, meaning “to shift one’s body weight forward or toward someone or something” according to Dictionary.com. In water and snow sports, for instance, it is natural to lean into a wave, the wind, a slope, or a turn”. It is in that context of leaning, trusting that in doing so you will move forward, that I am writing about today.

Leaning in = Trusting

Choosing to let go is not a natural choice. Choosing to lean into the unseen wind, believing it will hold you, is as miraculous as trusting in a future that is just around the bend but not yet in view. Making the choice to lean in to letting go, however, does allow our energy to be fully aligned in the present, the here and now, to the breath and life that has been given to us in this moment.

Uell Stanley Anderson, an American author during the 1950’s & 1960’s wrote: “Everything which you can conceive and accept is yours! Entertain no doubt. Refuse to accept worry or hurry or fear. That which knows and does everything [is] inside you and harkens to the slightest whisper.”

Wouldn’t it be beneficial, then, as we all look to the “new normal” and settle into the next phase of how we will choose to live, for you to take a moment each day to lean in and whisper to yourself, no matter what has held you back in the past, these truths:

· I know that I will succeed as I am clearly aligned with my purpose.
· The alignment to my purpose brings complete peace & joy to my soul.
· I know I am capable.
· I know I am ready.
· I have prepared for this moment all of my life.
· I am living this life full of purpose and impact as I was meant to.
· I am answering the calling placed in my heart
· I am leaning in to letting go of negativity, worry and fear.
· I am ready.
· I am!

Rumi, the renowned 13th century Persian poet wrote:

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You were not meant for crawling, so don’t.
Learn to use them and fly.

I encourage you to lean in, letting go of any doubt or fear that has kept you crawling – because when you accept the truth that you were born with wings, and make the choice to lean in, the wind WILL hold you as you fulfill your purpose, be it skiing down a beautiful mountain, or writing a book, building a business or joining an organization that is aligned with how you see yourself fulfilling the goodness, ideals and dreams that you have carried with you from the day you were born. You know what that is, you always have.