The Billowing Blue of Perspective

Each evening, as I travel home, I am blessed with the majestic tapestry that is the sky as the sun begins to set. I have always been in awe of the sky. It is filled with symbolism for life, my life, your life. For example, if you are or have been a frequent traveler by airplane like I, no doubt you have flown above the clouds and watched the sun brightly illuminating everything in its path, only to begin a descent into those same clouds to land in the pouring rain. Even though it may be raining, the sun has not stopped its shining, it is no less bright, or warm. It is only that our perspective has changed.

Each day when I begin my commute to work, the sky whispers to me the possibilities that await me. Anything is possible, everything is possible. I pause and take it in, and let it surround me as I drive through traffic lights and highway slowdowns. Always present, and changing, it reminds me that I am ever changing too.

Infinitely present, awaiting me to view its splendor at the end of my day, the sky paints itself with all it is, it’s story of the day, just as the story I am writing continues to unfold before me as I begin my journey home. These words below have nudged me for days, urging me to pour them to paper and so I do. Greeting me, whenever I look to it, the sky always reminds me that so many magnificent things happen without me having to create, build, control – I just have to look up and see wonderfully, without a doubt, I am never alone.

I hope you enjoy this verse, I’ve finally taken the time to let it flow through me to you. My wish for you is that you take the time each day to see the beauty and magnificence of the sky, and know that you are no less beautiful and magnificent.

I watch
as the billowing blue
of the sky
folds in upon itself
and the last pale
of day
a flicker
then gone
Night has come gently
to kiss me
and I feel
the power of it’s stillness
telling me
that resting
being satisfied
for the day
is a good thing.
Reminding me to
at the repeating glory
of it’s cycle
always a billowing blue
and flicker of pale
to call me home
to evening
to rest in the creator’s
to feel the wonder
when I look to the sky.

In these challenging times I wish Blessings and Peace to all – looking to the sky, the billowing blue, may you know you are not alone.