We are enough.
We are worthy.
We are women.

An online community of women committed to empowering, encouraging & equipping each other on the journey to live beyond brokenness.

A community of women,
here for you.

No matter where you are on your journey of recovery from abuse, low self esteem, codependency, trauma or grief, you do not have to walk alone.

Woman Beyond Breaking’s community is here to support you. If you are looking for inspiration, the collective wisdom of strong women or want to reach out to a purpose-filled certified practitioner, life coach, licensed provider or you’re searching for inspirational items to purchase for your journey, you’ve come to the right place.

Browse our site to access the following resources:

Directory of
Guides & Gurus


Women Beyond Breaking


A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows that it is in the journey where she will become strong.”
– L. Easter

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Featured Community
Guides & Gurus

Cynthia Primm
Founder & Curator,
Woman Beyond Breaking

BS, Certified Life Coach

Poet, Published Author and Life Coach

Irina Slobodinsky

MBA, Certified Life Coach

Authenticity & Life Coaching

DeAne Matthew

MS, Clinical Psychology, LMHC

Mental Health Counseling / Trauma Recovery

Featured Inspiration



I’ll Trade my Sorrow

By Cynthia Primm

I found my joy

By Cynthia Primm

Women Beyond Breaking donates 10% of net-revenue annually to select non-profit organizations that support healing, hope and help for woman who are struggling.  You can donate too